Nathan Chitty was a panelist on the topic of the Dental Finance Forum CFO Mastermind Group. The panel's goal was to share the best financial practices of high-growth DSOs from a CFO perspective.
About the DEO's 2021 DEO Spring Elite Intensive: Scaling Up Clinical
Some of the most successful dentist-entrepreneurs and dental group/DSO leaders in the country gathered in Dallas, TX, for the April 15-17, 2021 DEO Spring Elite Intensive: Scaling Up Clinical.
Attendees got to learn how to create a culture of clinical excellence; handle the newest developments in HR law; determine associate compensation plans; develop tight clinical quality assurance/ quality control; hire/find clinical directors; and more!
Attendees are learning (or rediscovering ) that they don't have to be on an island trying to achieve their vision alone. Surrounded by forward-thinking peers and experts and connected to the right education and resources, they can scale their dental groups smarter. Learn more about how The DEO can help you grow your dental organization successfully and achieve your vision here: